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    The Rise of Menswear

    South Africa has diverse cultures and languages, making it one of the most unique countries in the world, and even though we have many differences, there is something that many of our cultures share: the art of dress. The concept of style and fashion isn’t a foreign one, and you just need to look at our history – like the Sophiatown jazz era and the District Six Kaapse Klopse – to see that this form of expression has been a constant theme. More

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    The Heritage of Suits and Kofifi Style

    Suits have come a long way – we are talking decades – and have always been revolutionary. A suit is a timeless piece that can be kept for years, as long as it still fits. It’s not an everyday item either, unless its work-related or worn for an occasion. More

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    Top Tips for Guys on How to Mix and Match

    Let’s take a look at what accessories will do your outfit justice. As we know by now accessories set a tone or add a spark to your look, however there are certain aspects to take into account namely; colour, texture and the type of suit you are wearing on the day. More

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    Roman Handt: I Sell Ideas, Not Clothes

    Handt spent a couple of years in Belgium working after studying at Lisof and he’s quoted as saying: “They were so finicky and critical about my work. Doing a sleeve for a man’s jacket, people gave me s**t with that”. This would end up being the best learning curve for him yet. We asked him about his work. More

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    We’re in a Fashion Revolution

    When examining fashion, it should never be done in isolation from the rest of society. When markets are thrown into disarray and people’s very lives becomes threatened, it’s impossible for fashion not to become influenced by it. Turmoil and strife will create a variety of different expressions that will ultimately find their way into how we present ourselves to the world.


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    The Suitable Man Meets Pitti Uomo

    The year is still young and already my fashion year has kicked off with a bang. We’ve seen fashion weeks setting social media alight with what to expect for next season – from the latest trends, what to wear, and how to wear it. And what better way to start the year than at the world-renowned, historical, one-and-only Pitti Uomo in Italy. More